We encourage our users to explore the historical documents, photographs, and other media on CBRL’s digital repository. Here are some guidelines to help you access them appropriately: 

  1. Be sure to read the access requirements carefully before proceeding. 

  2. Use the archive's search function to locate the materials you are interested in. You can often search by keyword, author, date, place, or other criteria. 

  3. View the materials: You may be able to view the materials online or download them for offline viewing. In some cases, we may offer high-resolution scans upon request. If you wish to have high-resolution scans, please contact: archives@cbrl.com  

  4. Take note of citation information: If you plan to use the materials in your own research or writing, be sure to take note of the citation information, including the title of the document, the author or creator, the date, and the collection it is part of. Each record has information under ‘Use and Reproduction’ for citation purposes also. 

  5. Follow the copyright restrictions: Be aware of any copyright restrictions on the materials you wish to use. The Digital Repository uses Creative Commons licenses – you can find the appropriate license for each record under ‘License’ on each webpage. 

The Council for British Research in the Levant is committed to providing an open source and accessible platform for the exchange of information and cultural resources. However, we also recognise the need to balance accessibility with the rights of individuals and organisations to protect intellectual property and personal information. If you believe that any archival material displayed on our platform infringes your intellectual property rights or contains personal information that should not be shared, please complete this form ‘Take Down Notice – English / Arabic and wait to hear back from our team. If we determine that the material infringes your intellectual property rights or contains personal information that should not be shared, we will remove it from our platform within a reasonable period of time. 

We acknowledge that archives can often mirror colonial epistemologies in the way that they capture, safeguard, and present historical narratives, perspectives, and power dynamics. Within this context, metadata and their structures can shape the architecture of knowledge, as they are influenced by their origins. With this in mind, CBRL are committed to addressing potential imbalances or omissions across our collections, through the following initiatives of:  

Multivocal Narratives, Acknowledgment of Bias, Collaboration, Integration of User Feedback, and Regular Updates as new research in any of the areas we cover is published. 

The CBRL Digital Repository is an evolving resource, and we warmly welcome your insights, suggestions, and reflections to enhance its quality. CBRL encourages dialogue and the sharing of diverse perspectives. Please email archives@cbrl.ac.uk